上海航运交易所主办 | 中文版
广州海事法院——【第一次拍卖】“BRAMCO 1”轮




本院依法作出(2019)粤72执384至391号执行裁定,对被执行人BRAMCO W.L.L公司所属的“BRAMCO 1”轮进行公开拍卖,特将有关事项公告如下:

一、拍卖标的物:“BRAMCO 1”轮,停泊于广东中远海运重工有限公司码头,其他基本信息详见标的物描述,有关该轮的检验、评估报告等详情,请在标的物介绍中下载相关的附件查看。






   五、竞价规则: “BRAMCO 1”轮起拍价2310万元,保证金人民币200万元或30万美元【以美元缴付保证金的,可于拍卖开始5个工作日前汇入本院美元账号,将汇款凭证传真至+86(20)80929025,并办理委托竞拍手续】,增价幅度为人民币10万元,一人参与竞拍,出价不低于起拍价的,拍卖成交。



六、咨询、展示看样的时间与方式:自即日起接受咨询和看样,有意者请于拍卖前10天以“看样-姓-电话”格式发送短信至18922255730,待统计后统一确定看样时间和地点,也可自行前往广东中远海运重工有限公司码头看样,联系人:熊科 18038231032。广东华南海事司法鉴定中心:卢工 13602726118。








咨询电话(网拍):020-34063680、 89104345。








GuangzhouMaritime Court

Auction Announcement

(2019) Y72ZNo.384-391

By the Enforcement Ruling of (2019) Y72ZNo.384-391, this Court ruled to auction M/V “BRAMCO1” owned by BRAMCOW. L.L. It’shereby announced as follows:

1.      Article onauction: M/V “BRAMCO1”. The vessel is now berthing at the quay of COSCOShipping Heavy Industry (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.Other details of the vessel willbe set out in the description of the article on auction. For the survey andassessment report of the vessel, please download related documents attached inthe description of the article on auction.

2.      Auctionmethod: this Court formed a committee for the auction of the subject vessel byonline bidding through Taobao Judicial Auction website. Bidders may first loginthe website of Guangzhou MaritimeCourt and click “Judicial Auction” for theaccess to the auction platform.

3.      Bidder’squalification: citizen, legal person and other organization with full capacityof civil conduct may participate into the auction.

Bidders,who do not run an account on Taobao Judicial Auction website, may entrust aproxy (a natural person of full capacity of civil conduct), who has an accounton the said website, to make the bidding. In such case, a Letter ofAuthorization signed or stamped by the principal shall be submitted to this Court3 working days before the commencement of the auction. After winning thebidding, the buyer or its proxy shall sign the Sales Confirmation on Auction ofVessel and go through the formalities for delivery of the article on auctionbefore this Court. In case of a lack of completed authorization by theprincipal, the bidding shall be deemed as individual act of the proxy.

Bidders,who do not satisfy the requirements for the auction, shall bear correspondinglegal responsibilities.

4.      Auction timeschedule: from 10am on 8 October 2019 till 10am on 9 October 2019. The auctionsets a function of delayed bidding. Before the closure of the auction, if thereis a bidder making a bid at every last 5 minutes, the auction willautomatically be extended for 5 minutes.

5.      Biddingrules: the starting price is RMB23,100,000. The deposit for the bidding isRMB2,000,000 or USD300,000 (deposit in USD may be remitted to the USD accountof this Court 10 days before the commencement of the auction with the bank slipsent by fax to +86(20)80929025).The bid increment is RMB100,000. If there is no less than one bidder and thebidding price it offers is higher than the starting price, it wins the bidding.

TheTaobao system will, before the commencement of the auction, freeze the funds inthe bidder’s account as the deposit, which will automatically be released withoutany interests within 24 hours if the bidder does not win the bidding. Forbidder who wins the bidding, the frozen deposit will automatically betransferred to the account designated by the Court and the balance of the biddingprice shall be paid within 10 working days after winning the bidding into theaccount designated by the court (beneficiary: Guangzhou Maritime Court; bank:Agricultural Bank of China Guangzhou Xinjiao Sub-branch; RMB account No.:44048201040020917; USD account No.: 44048214040000136. Balance of the biddingprice paid in USD would be calculated at the closing exchange rate of RMBagainst USD on the dateon which the bidder wins the bidding.) In case the auction fails, the bidder’s deposit will automaticallybe released within 24 hours without any interests.

Biddersshall, before making bidding, peruse the Auction Announcementpublished by thisCourt.

6.      Time andmethod for auction consultation and vessel inspection: auction consultation andvessel inspection could be applied as of the day of this Announcement. You may,10 days prior to the commencement of auction, send a text message in a form of“vessel inspection-last name-phone number” to 189 2225 5730. Fixed time andlocation for vessel inspection would be notified separately. Alternatively, youmay proceed to the quay of COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.for vessel inspection on your own.

7.      The vesselis auctioned on an “as is” basis, and this Court will not assume any guarantee liabilityif it has any defects. As special notes, bidders are suggested to personally inspectthe vessel on site. Bidders who fail to do so shall be deemed to have confirmedthe physical conditions of the vessel and shall bear related liability in thisrespect. The vessel will be delivered at the abovementioned berthing locationon an “as is” basis. The cost of bunkers remaining onboard shall be separatelypaid by the successful biddercalculated at the market price, i.e. the cost ofthe bunkers remaining onboard isnot included in this auction price.

8.     The successful bidder can handle theprocedures for the transfer of ownership by presenting the legal instruments renderedby this Court to the competent ship registration department. Taxes, fees and other possible costs arisingtherefrom shall be for the successful bidder’s account. (note: as it’s aforeign vessel on auction, the bidders shall consult with the competentdepartment about the procedures for the transfer of ownership and taxes/feeswhich are different from handling a domestic vessel).

9.      Interestedparties to the subject vessel (including the parties to the case, guarantor andparties who have the right of first refusal) may participate in the bidding.Those who do not participate in the bidding are suggested paying attention onthis auction. If the parties who have the right of first refusal fail toparticipate in the bidding, it shall be deemed a waiver of the right of firstrefusal by such parties.

10.  Allcreditors to the vessel on auction shall, within 60 days after the third day ofthe publication of the auction announcement for the first auction of thesubject vessel, apply before this Court for registration of their claims.Failure in making such an application within the said prescribed time periodshall be deemed as a waiver by the creditors in recovery from the proceeds inthe auction of the ship.

11.  Contacts:

Tel.(for claims registration): 020-89441831,34063863

Tel.(for vessel inspection): 020-80929136,18922255730, 18038231032,13602726118

Tel.(for online auction): 020-34063680, 89104345

Tel.(supervision): 020-34063810, 89024639

ForTaobao technical support: 4008222870

Addressof this Court: No.863, Nanzhou Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou




4 September 2019

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